The COVID-19 crisis has brought to the fore a cost-saving approach to medical care for injured workers being treated through the workers’ compensation system: telemedicine. Telemedicine has in recent years only slowly been taking hold in workers’ compensation, as doctors and injured workers both value that hands-on time they have when they meet. But often…Read more
Workers Compensation Experience Rating
How does safety pay dividends to the business owner? Time and resources spent on developing a culture of safety repays the business in the long run. Safety cultures rely on reducing the number of workers compensation claims, in return, the odds of a disastrous claim are reduced. Business owners with workers’ compensation experience modifications above…Read more
How to Prepare for a Workers’ Compensation Audit
Just the mention of a workers’ compensation audit causes fear to some. If you are scheduled for a workers’ compensation audit, there is no need to dread it or be fearful. A small amount of preparation and common sense can save you a lot of aggravation and money. Devoting a few hours of your attention…Read more
3 Steps to Controlling Workers’ Compensation Costs
Workers’ Compensation can be a large cost center for a business. The extent depends on the type of business and the state where the business is located. The cost to insure a single employee making $30,000 per year can range from less than $100 (for a clerical worker) to around $1,400 (for a restaurant worker)…Read more
Misclassifying Workers as Independent Contractors is Bad for Your Business
Employer misclassification of workers as independent contractors is a large and growing problem. Employers trying to keep their costs down may inadvertently or deliberately misclassify workers who should be classified as employees. They escape employment taxes, unemployment and workers’ compensation insurance costs, and paying overtime rates required by law for employees. They also cheat workers…Read more
Preparing for a Workers’ Compensation Audit
The mere mention of a workers’ compensation audit is enough to strike fear in nearly any business owner. For anyone who is scheduled for an audit, there is no need to worry or be fearful. With a little bit of common sense and preparation, much money and aggravation can be spared. It is important to…Read more
Roofing Insurance
Many times roofers have few options when it comes to obtaining the proper insurance for their roofing business. Here at The Andrew Agency, we have a program specifically designed for roofers in Virginia or Maryland. Insurance for roofers has historically been rather cumbersome and complicated due to the high risk nature of the business. However,…Read more
Workers Comp Ghost Policy
The Workers’ Compensation Ghost Policy What is a Ghost Policy? A ghost policy is a workers’ compensation insurance policy that is generally purchased by a business owner with no employees in order to meet coverage requirements, where the business owner excludes themselves from receiving workers’ compensation benefits in the event of a work injury. Since…Read more