It seems as though we are hit with insurance advertisements every day. A lot of these advertisements instruct potential customers to go to a website, plug in their information, and receive a quote which may or may not be saving them money. While this system may seem convenient on the surface, it pales in comparison…Read more
Working With Independent Insurance Agents
Independent insurance agents, unlike insurance agents employed by a large national insurance provider, have access to many insurance companies. Agents who work for a big insurer can only offer you insurance plans provided by their company. Independent insurance agents, however, work for you, and they have access to many different insurance companies. They can help…Read more
Benefits of Choosing an Independent Insurance Agent
Every day you are faced with numerous ads about insurance. A talking lizard says buy direct from him. Another ad tells you you’re in good hands if you buy direct. There are so many insurance ads that it’s hard to know what’s best way to buy insurance. That’s why you need an independent insurance agent.…Read more