It seems as though we are hit with insurance advertisements every day. A lot of these advertisements instruct potential customers to go to a website, plug in their information, and receive a quote which may or may not be saving them money. While this system may seem convenient on the surface, it pales in comparison to the overall value customers receive when working with an independent agent.
Benefits of an Independent Insurance Agent:
Personal Service
Obtaining the proper insurance to fit your needs and budget can be a difficult process to navigate through on your own. Your independent agent has your best interests in mind and can assist you in securing coverage that fits your specific needs. They act as your personal advisor and are here to support you throughout the process.
There is no comparison between a call center customer service experience versus having a solid relationship with an advisor you know and trust. We have access to multiple insurance companies and can search among them to find the perfect policy for you. There are no hidden fees or extra charges for our services.
We can communicate with you the way you wish to communicate with us. Prefer email over phone calls? Just let us know and we are happy to adjust our communication styles to fit your specific needs. Prefer to talk face to face? We are delighted to set up an appointment with you at a time that is convenient for you.
Contact The Andrew Agency
When you choose to do business with an independent agent you are not just a number, you are a valued client and our relationship with you is of the utmost importance. If you live in the City of Richmond, Tuckahoe, Henrico, Chesterfield or other surrounding counties, The Andrew Agency is happy to explain even more benefits of working with an independent agent that is part of your community. Give us a call today at 804-320-2886.