When stores lease real estate spaces or construction firms win jobs, the party on the other end usually has a very specific set of requirements. One of the main requirements is that the tenant, contractor or borrower show proof that he or she has adequate insurance. Copies of insurance documents may be sufficient. But, not…Read more
Does Your Contractor Have Insurance?
When you hire a contractor, electrician or other home repair specialist, you may shop around on price and go with the least expensive one. But if a contractor comes in with a bid that is much lower than the competition, it could mean they are cutting corners – and one of the top ways for…Read more
Protecting Your Firm as an Additional Insured
IN THE course of doing business, you may sometimes find yourself entering into contracts requiring that your firm be named as an additional insured on another party’s insurance policies. This is often done to make sure that your own insurance is not depleted by defense and indemnification costs for losses for which you may be…Read more