Everybody wants to save money on their insurance premiums. If you own a home, you actually have a number of options for getting discounts on your homeowner’s coverage. There are some obvious ways, like installing fire-resistant siding and smoke detectors in the home. You can also get discounts if you purchase your car insurance from…Read more
Texting While Driving Tickets Will Increase Insurance Premiums
One of the main reasons that car insurance rates are going up is the increase in distracted driving, which has led to a significant jump in vehicular deaths and accidents in the last five years. Despite most states in the country now having laws barring the use of your phone for talking or other tasks…Read more
Why Are Commercial Insurance Premiums Increasing?
A new report by Willis Towers Watson predicts that most commercial insurance lines will see increases in 2020 as the market continues to harden almost across the board, with the only exception being workers’ compensation. Overall, 19 commercial lines are expected to see price increases according to the report, with property, umbrella, and public company…Read more