Everybody wants to save money on their insurance premiums. If you own a home, you actually have a number of options for getting discounts on your homeowner’s coverage. There are some obvious ways, like installing fire-resistant siding and smoke detectors in the home. You can also get discounts if you purchase your car insurance from…Read more
Benefits of Combining Your Insurance with One Company
There are huge advantages to combining your auto and home insurance with a single company. The biggest and most direct benefit is getting a multiple-policy discount. However, it goes beyond that, and the advantages can work in your favor. Let’s look at the numerous variables on why this really works to your benefit. Discount The…Read more
Insurance For Green Commercial Buildings
A study by the U.S. Green Building Council estimated that environmentally-friendly, or “green” construction, would grow at a compound annual rate of 9.5 percent between 2014 and 2019. Traditional property insurance products do not adequately cover these innovative construction methods and materials. In recent years, the insurance industry has unveiled new coverages to help cover…Read more
What Renters Need To Know About Insurance
Since most homeowners are also mortgage holders, they are required to have home insurance. However, most renters are not required to purchase renter’s insurance according to the terms of a lease. They face many of the same risks as homeowners. Although renters do not have to pay for the actual structure that is rented, they…Read more
Combining Your Auto & Home Insurance with One Company
Discounts & More: Combining Your Auto & Home Insurance with One Company There are huge advantages to combining your auto and home insurance with a single company. The biggest and most direct benefit is getting a multiple-policy discount. However, it goes beyond that, and the advantages can work out nicely in the policyholder’s favor. Let’s…Read more
3 Ways to Save on Homeowners Insurance
You can lower the monthly premium on your homeowners insurance in 3 ways. We’ll discuss those ways but first let’s discuss what homeowners insurance is designed to cover. Homeowners insurance is designed to cover a “sudden and accidental” loss. Homeowners insurance is not a maintenance policy and it will not cover damage due to wear…Read more
How Does My Marital Status Affect My Car Insurance Rate?
Being single has its advantages. A lower rate on your car insurance isn’t one of them. Your marital status is one of several factors that car insurance companies look at when they calculate your rate. What the companies are trying to do is predict how big of a risk you are. They’re trying to determine…Read more
Multi-policy Discounts Can Save a Bundle on Auto Insurance Rates
Are you looking for easy ways to save time and money? Then, you should learn more about combining the various types of insurance you have with one insurance company to take advantage of a multi-policy discount. You may qualify for a multi-policy discount if you have one or more cars and an apartment or home.…Read more