Many business owners don’t think twice when asking a worker to run to the office supply store, to the bank, or to run another errand for the company while on the clock. But as soon as that employee enters their personal vehicle on a trip for your business, you automatically become vicariously liable for their…Read more
Non–Owned Auto Coverage
Even businesses that own fleets of autos sometimes use vehicles that do not belong to them. Often, a business asks an employee to run an errand or visit a customer or vendor using that employee’s car. The organization may become legally liable for anything an employee acting on its behalf does while behind the wheel.…Read more
Risk: When Employees Run Business Errands
Have you ever sent an employee out to pick up needed supplies? Offered to buy lunch for the crew and asked an employee to pick it up? Unless you only send employees who are insured to drive your company vehicles, you may be putting your business at risk. Your business may also incur liability if…Read more