Thinking about using a drone for your business and expect your company’s general liability policy to cover any accidents and damage it may cause? Better read the policy. Most general liability policies contain a broad exclusion that applies to aircraft (as well as autos and watercraft). The exclusion eliminates coverage for any bodily injury or…Read more
Directors & Officers Insurance
For the last several years, stories of wrongdoing and bad judgment by corporate managers have filled the headlines. Enron, Worldcom, and Countrywide are just some of the companies that became household names because of mistakes or criminal acts their leaders committed. These stories became big news because they were exceptional; the vast majority of companies…Read more
Professional Liability Insurance
Professional liability insurance, or errors and omissions (E&O) insurance, is a type of coverage that protects certain individuals and corporations that provide professional services to their clients. For insurance purposes, “professionals” are defined as those who have special knowledge or skills in a certain area and who use those skills or knowledge to provide advice…Read more
Roofing Insurance
Many times roofers have few options when it comes to obtaining the proper insurance for their roofing business. Here at The Andrew Agency, we have a program specifically designed for roofers in Virginia or Maryland. Insurance for roofers has historically been rather cumbersome and complicated due to the high risk nature of the business. However,…Read more
Remodeling Contractors Insurance
We often receive calls at the agency from contractors inquiring about their various insurance needs. There are many different types of commercial insurance policies available for contractors. Below are just some of the policies available to contractors to help protect themselves and their business. Commercial General Liability (CGL) policy One of the most common and…Read more