If you’re reading this blog, you’re concerned about protecting your business from cyber attacks and you should be. Cyber liability is no longer nice to have. It is a must have for businesses. Many businesses do not understand just how important cyber insurance is or why they need it. One of the most common targets…Read more
Cyber Liability Insurance
On April 20, 2011, someone hacked the Sony Playstation Network. They found an opening in the online video gaming network’s password-reset system and penetrated the security protecting its customer database. Days later, the company admitted that the hackers had obtained personal information on 70 million or more subscribers. The hackers got names, physical and email…Read more
Cyber Liability Insurance
Research indicates that 75 percent of data breaches occur at small and medium-sized businesses, and that ninety-five percent of these data breaches are caused by hackers, rogue employees, or the loss or theft of equipment. And you don’t need to be a high-tech company to be susceptible to a damaging data breach. Any business, of…Read more
Data Breach Insurance
Breaches involving customer information and data have been common news stories as of late. Major chains including retailers and restaurants have been victims of recent security breaches. This may have affected you personally by having to change credit/debit card numbers or your passwords. But, have you considered how it might affect you professionally if you…Read more