Being single has its advantages. A lower rate on your car insurance isn’t one of them. Your marital status is one of several factors that car insurance companies look at when they calculate your rate. What the companies are trying to do is predict how big of a risk you are. They’re trying to determine…Read more
Multi-policy Discounts Can Save a Bundle on Auto Insurance Rates
Are you looking for easy ways to save time and money? Then, you should learn more about combining the various types of insurance you have with one insurance company to take advantage of a multi-policy discount. You may qualify for a multi-policy discount if you have one or more cars and an apartment or home.…Read more
How Can I Save Money On Car Insurance With a Teen Driver?
Ah yes, your teen is finally behind the wheel, which allows you to hang up your hat as the resident chauffer. But in addition to that newfound sense of freedom for both parent and teen, comes a new pinch in the pocketbook. It’s true, parents of teen drivers typically incur an increase in their car…Read more
What Affects My Car Insurance Rate?
There are many mysteries in the world. How your credit rating is determined is one of them. The Loch Ness monster is another. What affects your auto insurance rates is a third. Knowing what affects your auto insurance rates – and how to get the best rate you possibly can – is not as hard…Read more
What Makes My Car Insurance Rate Increase?
Driving safe is something that insurance companies love their customers to do. It saves the insurance providers a significant amount of money if their insured clients do not ever have accidents. Thus, they tend to favor safe drivers with lower policy premiums and incentives like a disappearing deductible for each year they do not file…Read more