As protests around the country descended into rioting and civil unrest, many businesses that have been looted, or seen their shops damaged or completely destroyed, will obviously be turning to their insurance to file a claim. While many companies were unsuccessful in filing business interruption claims for the COVID-19 crisis, claims for damage and theft…Read more
Does Business Insurance Cover Coronavirus?
COVID-19 is forcing businesses to face a number of risks, liability and insurance implications. Companies could seek coverage for a variety of claims stemming from the outbreak, including workers’ compensation, business interruption, liability and more. And, now that it is a pandemic, the economic fallout may be expansive – hitting your company’s operations in the…Read more
Does Insurance Cover Business Disruption due to Dorian?
What happens if your business suffers property damage or a supply chain disruption and is forced to stop operations either fully or partially? Will your insurance cover the work stoppage or slowdown? It is important to understand how your insurance can protect you from the resulting financial loss. In addition to potential recovery for property…Read more
Cyber Insurance Should Include Business Interruption
As the full threat of hacking and cyber attacks takes hold, cyber insurance policies are evolving so that the primary focus is on business interruption coverage. When these policies first hit the market, they were mostly focused on covering the costs of notifying individuals whose personal data or credit card information may have been exposed,…Read more