Many first-time luxury vehicle owners make the mistake of buying an insurance policy with the lowest premium but, after an accident, they find out they are not given the level of customer service they expect and the insurer may not pay for the exact repairs they were expecting. You spent a lot of money on…Read more
Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Water Damage?
What does my homeowners insurance cover? Water is known for penetrating structural cavities and creating growing pockets of saturation without the knowledge of the homeowner. Unfortunately, it often requires sophisticated tools and technology to find the source of such water damage. If the moisture remains undetected, it causes damages that eventually lead to an expensive…Read more
Turn in Your Tags
There is not a day that goes by where our agency doesn’t receive a call to remove insurance from a vehicle because the vehicle has been sold, destroyed or is no longer in use. The first question we ask is “have you turned in the tags to DMV”? Often the answer is “not yet” or…Read more
Collector Car Insurance Is Affordable Way to Protect Your Classic
We’re a nation of collectors. Just look in your garage and you’ll find all the things you couldn’t part with that you haven’t used in years. Some of those items aren’t worth a plug nickel and others may be worth more than you ever thought. One of the things Americans love to collect is cars.…Read more