Personal auto insurance rates continue increasing and even motorists who have had no accidents or moving violations are seeing their premiums climb at some of the highest rates for decades. Continuing a trend from the past six years, premiums increased an average of 17% in the first half of 2023, according to Insurify, Inc. The…Read more
New Car Totaled; Will Insurance Pay Off the Loan?
It’s a nightmare scenario for any new car buyer. You drive it off the lot and a few days later another driver runs a red light, smashing into your car and severely mangling most of the front end and irreparably damaging the frame — essentially totaling the vehicle. Luckily nobody was injured, but will insurance…Read more
Catalytic Converter Thefts on the Rise
People typically lock their cars when they park them to safeguard personal items and components inside the vehicle. Increasingly, however, criminals are less interested in what’s inside the car than they are in what’s underneath it — the catalytic converter. The National Insurance Crime Bureau has reported that thefts of catalytic converters jumped by 325%…Read more
Determining Who Is at Fault in an Auto Accident
Determining who is legally responsible in an auto accident requires identifying who the negligent party is. In most cases, common sense can be used to determine fault, but often drivers do not know exactly which laws were broken by the at-fault party. This makes it more difficult to prove a case to an insurer when…Read more
Car Insurance Limits – Choose Wisely
All states set minimum coverage levels for drivers, but if you are involved in a serious accident, minimal coverage may not get you off the hook for the full extent of damages. Your state’s goal is to make the required insurance affordable, but in many cases the established minimum coverage is not adequate to cover…Read more
Non–Owned Auto Coverage
Even businesses that own fleets of autos sometimes use vehicles that do not belong to them. Often, a business asks an employee to run an errand or visit a customer or vendor using that employee’s car. The organization may become legally liable for anything an employee acting on its behalf does while behind the wheel.…Read more
How Much Will I Receive if My Vehicle is “Totaled”?
You’ve had an accident and your vehicle is in bad shape. After you report your claim, the insurance company sends out an adjuster to determine if it is worth paying out for the required repairs or instead of paying you for the value of the vehicle at the time of the accident. If the cost…Read more
Luxury Vehicle Insurance
Many first-time luxury vehicle owners make the mistake of buying an insurance policy with the lowest premium but, after an accident, they find out they are not given the level of customer service they expect and the insurer may not pay for the exact repairs they were expecting. You spent a lot of money on…Read more
Benefits of Combining Your Insurance with One Company
There are huge advantages to combining your auto and home insurance with a single company. The biggest and most direct benefit is getting a multiple-policy discount. However, it goes beyond that, and the advantages can work in your favor. Let’s look at the numerous variables on why this really works to your benefit. Discount The…Read more
Texting While Driving Tickets Will Increase Insurance Premiums
One of the main reasons that car insurance rates are going up is the increase in distracted driving, which has led to a significant jump in vehicular deaths and accidents in the last five years. Despite most states in the country now having laws barring the use of your phone for talking or other tasks…Read more
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