Unfortunately, disaster can strike at any time. No one is immune to the threat of losing his or her home due to any number of possible hazards. But a recent survey found that most homeowners are seriously underinsured. Marshall & Swift/Boekh, a leading insurance data services company, found that 66 percent of homeowners had inadequate…Read more
Replacement Cost Insurance
Choosing replacement cost insurance on your home’s contents helps restore the comfort of your home in the event of a loss. It could be worth hundreds, even thousands of dollars to your family. Replacement Cost Insurance Most homeowners insurance policies cover your personal property for its actual cash value. You may prefer to cover your…Read more
Replacement Cost Home Insurance in Virginia
What is Replacement Cost home insurance and why is my house insured for more than the assessment? There are 3 values concerning any home in Virginia. Market Value – the amount you could sell your house for. Assessment Value – the amount the city or county charges you for tax purposes. Replacement Value – the…Read more