A majority of companies are leaving themselves exposed to lawsuits as they take on high-end professional services work and demands grow for expedited deadlines. In fact, a recent report by Forbes Insights and The Hanover found that 40% of small business owners believe they face professional risks, yet they have not purchased professional liability insurance…Read more
Professional Liability Insurance
A majority of companies are leaving themselves exposed in one crucial area as they take on high-end professional services work. As more companies’ work is intangible, many firms are missing a critical element of protection for their professional services. Professional liability insurance in the past was mainly purchased by architects, accountants and lawyers, but with…Read more
Professional Liability Insurance
People often think of professional liability insurance (aka..E&O Insurance) as something only doctors and lawyers need. The truth is that anyone in any profession can be sued for making bad decisions. Standard business general liability insurance policies do not cover liability for professional mistakes. They will not cover errors that cost someone else money without…Read more
Errors and Omissions Insurance
Professional liability insurance funds losses caused by errors or omissions in the rendering of services. What does this mean? Professionals are human and errors do occur. In medicine and science, the client benefits from the best course of action suggested by an experienced practitioner at the time the service is rendered. The best course of…Read more
General Liability vs. Professional Liability Insurance
A consultant recommends that a client purchase and implement software to automate certain manufacturing processes. An update to the software causes it to crash repeatedly, forcing the client to shut down its production lines for 10 days until a fix is available. The client sues the consultant for giving bad advice. A new commercial building…Read more
Professional Liability Insurance
Professional liability insurance, or errors and omissions (E&O) insurance, is a type of coverage that protects certain individuals and corporations that provide professional services to their clients. For insurance purposes, “professionals” are defined as those who have special knowledge or skills in a certain area and who use those skills or knowledge to provide advice…Read more