Nonprofits usually have a certain demographic that they serve. Often the allure of a nonprofit organization is that it attracts like-minded individuals that have a passion for the cause that the nonprofit works on. And the most passionate of these individuals often become board members. At that point, they also enter a world of new…Read more
Small Firms Increasingly Need Directors and Officers Insurance
While directors and officers liability has been traditionally thought of as insurance for publicly traded companies, increasingly it’s smaller companies that account for the largest share of exposure among top decision-makers. A study published by the news website Advisen found that over the past 10 years, small businesses accounted for 70% of all D&O insurance…Read more
Directors and Officers Insurance for Nonprofits
Nonprofits usually have a certain demographic that they serve. Often the allure of a nonprofit organization is that it attracts like-minded individuals that have a passion for the cause that the nonprofit works on. And the most passionate of these individuals often become board members. At that point, they also enter a world of new…Read more
What Is E&O Insurance?
The world of insurance can be a complicated maze of initials and acronyms, which are often seemingly used to confuse the insurance buyer. Among the hodge-podge of acronyms, nicknames and “short-fors” are E & O and D & O which, when used together, have comfortably sunk into the industry lexicon as meaning anything and everything…Read more
Directors & Officers Insurance
For the last several years, stories of wrongdoing and bad judgment by corporate managers have filled the headlines. Enron, Worldcom, and Countrywide are just some of the companies that became household names because of mistakes or criminal acts their leaders committed. These stories became big news because they were exceptional; the vast majority of companies…Read more
Does Your Board Have D&O Insurance?
Are you a board member for a non-profit or business? Pending litigation involving Richmond based Health Diagnostic Laboratory Inc illustrates the importance of Directors and Officers Liability insurance (D&O Insurance). Some of the directors and officers of HDL who are facing potential lawsuits will be able to access proceeds from a $10 million insurance policy…Read more