Even businesses that own fleets of autos sometimes use vehicles that do not belong to them. Often, a business asks an employee to run an errand or visit a customer or vendor using that employee’s car. The organization may become legally liable for anything an employee acting on its behalf does while behind the wheel.…Read more
Commercial Auto Insurance Rates Continue to Increase
Commercial auto insurance rates have been on the rise since 2011, increasing often by more than 10% a year as accidents and claims costs have soared. The trucking industry has been the hardest hit by the steep increases, and there are a number of factors contributing to the rate hikes, according to a recent study…Read more
Should You Lease or Buy a Company Car?
If you’re a small business owner and you spend a lot of time on the road, you might decide to invest in a new car. However, before you let yourself be enticed to test drive your new wheels, you should consider evaluating whether leasing or buying is the best option for you. Some of the…Read more
Commercial Auto Rates
By now, you’ve likely noticed that your commercial automotive insurance rates have been increasing since last year, and for now, there seems to be no slowing the momentum. The increase is probably noticeable since the period between 2011 and 2016 saw rates drop thanks to a number of factors, including fewer accidents, fewer cars on…Read more
Taxi Insurance Virginia
Taxi insurance is a specialty commercial vehicle policy for drivers that transport customers for hire. In general, taxi insurance policies will cover damage to your vehicle and also cover personal injuries to you and your passengers in the event of an accident. It is important to understand that many personal automobile policies in Virginia exclude…Read more
Commercial Transportation Insurance
Any business that has a large fleet of vehicles, or even just one vehicle used for business, needs some type of commercial auto insurance. Commercial transportation insurance, or business auto insurance, is like your personal auto insurance policy but it covers trucking, charter buses, specialized transport, construction equipment, vehicles for hire, waste and refuse hauling,…Read more