Ah yes, your teen is finally behind the wheel, which allows you to hang up your hat as the resident chauffer. But in addition to that newfound sense of freedom for both parent and teen, comes a new pinch in the pocketbook. It’s true, parents of teen drivers typically incur an increase in their car…Read more
What Affects My Car Insurance Rate?
There are many mysteries in the world. How your credit rating is determined is one of them. The Loch Ness monster is another. What affects your auto insurance rates is a third. Knowing what affects your auto insurance rates – and how to get the best rate you possibly can – is not as hard…Read more
Insurance Rates Increasing in Richmond
Why are insurance rates increasing in Richmond, VA? Storms throughout the country, low interest rates and increased repair costs are putting a lot of pressure on insurance companies. Tornados, hurricanes, wild fires and strong thunder storms have caused severe damage throughout the country. Even though this damage did not happen in Richmond, insurance companies draw from the same pot…Read more
Insurance Forecast for 2013
2012 was another very difficult year for insurance companies. Several storms, including hurricane Sandy, continue to put pressure on loss reserves and repair costs continue to increase. Another factor that will impact almost all insurance companies is reinsurance. Reinsurance is insurance for insurance companies and rates for reinsurance will almost certainly increase in 2013 and beyond. Rates…Read more