Home insurance rates continue to rise throughout the country but there’s good news. Several insurance companies have increased their discounts for package policies. If you insure your home and car with the same company chances are you will receive an even bigger discount.
There are 3 major reasons insurance companies want package policies instead of single policies.
1. Retention – customer who have multiple policies stay longer
2. Favorable Claim History – customer with multiple policies have fewer claims
3. More Profitable – more policies = more premium
If you’re car insurance is with a direct company such as Geico, Esurance, Direct ect…and you own a home chances are you are paying more than you would if you package the policies together. Even if your car insurance is a little more the over all package is usually less.
For a free insurance quote visit our website www.theandrewagency.com or call (804) 320-2886.